Advancing Whitening with Automation

Daniel Sanders BS, DDS

January 2022 Course - Expires Friday, January 31st, 2025

Web Only


This webinar will explore how scientific principles have guided the evolution of whitening technology from a manual process to an automated one.

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COST: $0
SOURCE: Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry | January 2022
COMMERCIAL SUPPORTER: Mavrik Dental Systems®

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore the science behind whitening
  • Discuss the current whitening landscape
  • Discover the technological advances of whitening

Presenter Qualifications:

A graduate of the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, Dr. Sanders, who has advanced training in dental trauma and surgery, maintained a high-end private dental practice in Mid-Manhattan. He has done extensive research and testing for CR (Clinicians Report) a premier independent research institute for testing new dental products and materials. An innovator and visionary in the dental field, Dr. Sanders is the inventor of the automated TheraSmile system which includes the vacuum sealed intra-oral mouthpiece with iowave technology and the revolutionary mavguard intra-oral elastomeric barriers. Dr. Sanders holds international patents on numerous dental devices.


Dr. Sanders is the Founder, Director, and Global Medical Officer of Mavrik.

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