Assessing Impact of the Hybrid Aligner Model on Practice Growth and Evaluation of the Clinical Outcomes

Payam Ataii, DMD

September 2021 Course - Expires Monday, September 30th, 2024

Web Only


This webinar will review the clinical efficacy of the hybrid aligner model and discuss clinical cases for doctors and dental team members. Key area of focus include patient case selection, office integration, and practice growth. Clinical cases will be discussed with a key objective of understanding the types of cases that are ideal for the hybrid model and others that fit the traditional aligner workflow.

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COST: $0
SOURCE: Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry | September 2021
COMMERCIAL SUPPORTER: National Association of Dental Professionals

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss the influence of aligner treatment options on practice management and revenue
  • Develop clinical guidelines to identify patients that are ideal for the hybrid aligner model
  • Create a superior dental experience for every patient within your practice

Presenter Qualifications:

Dr. Payam Ataii maintains a private practice in Laguna Hills, CA.


Dr. Ataii is the founder of the National Association of Dental Professionals.

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