Ideal Online Visibility: The Key To Sustainable Growth

Douglas Sligting

June 2021 Course - Expires Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Web Only


In this interactive seminar we will discuss the fundamental reasons that determine why Google ranks practices the way they do. We will then run a live, real-time assessment of your practice to look at how Google sees your practice compared to your competitors. This will include your Google local ranking for the top searched keywords, your area reviews rank and an estimate of the current Google Ads per-click price in your area. All this will reveal the competitive level of your area. With this information in hand, we will discuss solutions you will have to improve your ranking so you can realize the benefits of ideal online visibility.

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COST: $0
SOURCE: Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry | June 2021

Learning Objectives:

  • Determine why Google ranks one practice above another
  • Discuss how Google sees your practice compared to your competition
  • Analyze how you can improve your ranking and set yourself up for success

Presenter Qualifications:

Douglas Sligting is the CEO of Ascent Practice Growth Strategies.


Douglas Sligting is the CEO of Ascent Practice Growth Strategies.

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