Correlation Between Occlusion and Cervical Posture in Patients with Bruxism

Guilherme Manna Cesar, BS; Juliana de Paiva Tosato, BS; Daniela Ap Biasotto-Gonzalez, DDS, MSc, PhD

August 2006 Issue - Expires Friday, August 31st, 2007

Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry


The goal of this study was to evaluate head and neck posture in the rest position of patients with bruxism and patients without temporomandibular disorder signs or symptoms to further relate them with Angle’s class of malocclusion. Fifty-six volunteers participated in this study, ages 18 to 27 years with an average age of 22.5 years. They were divided into 2 groups: Group B—28 subjects with parafunctions (teeth grinding or clenching); and Group C—28 subjects without parafunctional habits (control group). All participants were photographed, and their pictures were analyzed and compared with the software Alcimagem (Instrumental Concept and Movement Analysis Laboratory, Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil). The results demonstrated that variation of angular values did not present statistical difference for the studied groups. Regarding Angle’s class of malocclusion, class I was predominant in Group C, and classes II and III were predominant in Group B. The mental-sternal angle calculated did not present statistical significance between the groups; however, there was a greater variation between the smaller angle and the higher angle in Group B, contrary to Group C.

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